Todoist – Sprint Planning Template

Original price was: $7.00.Current price is: $4.00.

Use this template to plan your sprints in Todoist.

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Todoist – Sprint Planning Template

Use this template to plan your sprints in Todoist.

Why You Need This Template

Efficient Sprint Planning: This Todoist Sprint Planning Checklist Template streamlines your sprint planning process. It ensures that all critical activities before, during, and after your sprint planning meetings are covered. By following this checklist, you’re setting your team up for a successful sprint, with clear objectives and well-defined tasks.

Improved Team Coordination: With tasks like team capacity assessment and participant identification, the template helps in allocating resources effectively. This coordination leads to a more productive and less stressful sprint planning meeting.

Enhanced Productivity: Through detailed tasks such as backlog grooming and task assignments, the template ensures that every aspect of your sprint is thoughtfully prepared, leading to increased productivity and focus during the sprint.

Template Features

  • Comprehensive Coverage: The template includes three main sections, each focusing on different stages of the sprint planning process: Preparing for Sprint Planning, Sprint Planning Meeting, and Post Sprint Planning.
  • Detailed Tasks: Each section contains specific tasks, such as ‘Review Previous Sprint’, ‘Define Sprint Goals’, ‘Select User Stories or Tasks’, and ‘Create Sprint Backlog’, ensuring a thorough approach to sprint planning.
  • Customizable and Scalable: The tasks in this template can be customized to fit the unique needs of your team and project. It’s scalable to accommodate different team sizes and project complexities.
  • Easy Tracking and Management: Being a Todoist template, it seamlessly integrates into your existing workflow, making it easy to track and manage tasks.

Adding Template To Your Account

  1. Purchase the Template: Click on the ‘Use This Template’ button on the Gumroad sales page to purchase the Todoist Sprint Planning Checklist Template.
  2. Redirect to Todoist: After the purchase, you will be redirected to Todoist. If you’re not logged in, log into your Todoist account.
  3. Template Addition: Upon redirection, you’ll see an option to add the template to your Todoist account. Click on this option.
  4. Customization and Use: Once added, the template will appear in your Todoist. You can then customize it according to your project needs and start using it for effective sprint planning.

This simple process ensures that the template is seamlessly integrated into your workflow, providing you with a structured approach to manage your sprint planning activities effectively.

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